Explore our collection of articles, business cases and videos providing valuable insights into the world of green and renewable hydrogen.
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Published the 13/11/2024
Lhyfe Team Spotlight: Sara’s Role in Sweden’s Green Hydrogen Transition
In the world of sustainable energy, everyone has an important part to play in shaping the future. Today, we’re talking with Sara Wihlborg, Lhyfe’s Country Manager for Sweden.

Published the 22/10/2024
5 Ways to Reduce Carbon Footprint with Green Hydrogen
The world stands at a critical crossroads. As the effects of climate change intensify, every individual, company, and government must take responsibility for their carbon footprint—the invisible trail of greenhouse gases we leave behind with every energy decision we make.

Published the 16/10/2024
Lhyfe Team Spotlight: Sandrine’s mission in efficient green hydrogen logistics
In the world of sustainable energy, everyone has an important part to play in shaping the future. Today, we introduce Sandrine, who has been with Lhyfe for over two years, overseeing logistics and transport to ensure the smooth delivery of green hydrogen to customers.
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Business case
Deutsche Bahn’s first hydrogen trains
Deutsche Bahn Energie has launched an innovative project in Tübingen: to run hydrogen trains on renewable hydrogen, produced by a Lhyfebox and stored in a station before powering the trains.
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Are you looking for an answer to your question?
We have compiled answers to frequently asked questions about renewable hydrogen!
What is renewable hydrogen and what steps does its production involve?
Renewable hydrogen or green hydrogen is an energy-carrying gas that emits no CO2, either during its production or when used.
It is obtained by electrolysis of water. This chemical process consists of breaking down the water molecule (H2O) into di-oxygen (O2) and di-hydrogen (H2) using an electric current…
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How is renewable hydrogen transported? What can it be used for?
Once compressed and purified, the hydrogen we produce is delivered either directly by pipe to industrial sites or by truck.
To keep environmental impacts to a minimum and to respect our commitment to producing completely environmentally friendly hydrogen, Lhyfe restricts delivery of hydrogen by truck to within a 200 km…
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Which industries use hydrogen? For what purposes?
For decades, hydrogen has been used extensively in a great many industrial applications, such as hydrocarbon refining, the production of ammonia and other chemicals, as well as materials processing.
Ninety-five percent of the hydrogen currently used by these industries is made using a process involving the steam reforming of…
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