Lhyfe is incorporated in the form of a société anonyme (public limited company), managed by a Board of Directors composed of six members and two censors.

In light of the independence criteria defined by the Middlenext Code of September 2021 to which the Company refers, the Board of Directors has considered that two members of the Board of Directors will be independent members, namely: Bruno Le Jossec and Alena Fargere.

The by-laws set the term of office of the directors at 3 years.

Lhyfe also has an Audit Committee, an Appointment and Remuneration Committee, and a Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee.

Board of directors

Matthieu Guesné

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

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Amaury Bierent


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Alena Fargere

Independent Director

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Bruno Le Jossec

Independent Director

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Maria Pardo Saleme

Director – Chief Financial Officer

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Christopher Sorensen


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Noria, represented by Christophe Guillaume


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Mitsui, represented by Makoto Kan


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Audit Committee

The duty of the Audit Committee is to ensure the monitoring of issues relating to the preparation and control of accounting and financial information and to ensure the effectiveness of the mechanism for risk monitoring and operational internal control, in order to facilitate the exercise by the Board of Directors of its control and verification duties in this area.
The Audit Committee consists of :

  • Bruno Le Jossec – Independent director and Chairman to the Committee
  • Alena Fargere – Independent director
  • Amaury Bierent – Director

Appointment and Remuneration Committee

The Appointment and Remuneration Committee is a specialised committee of the Board of Directors, whose main task is to assist the Board in the composition of the management bodies of the Company and Group and in the determination and regular assessment of all remuneration and benefits of the Group’s executive officers and senior managers, including any deferred benefits and/or indemnities for voluntary or forced departure from the Group.
The Appointment and Remuneration committee consists of :

  • Bruno Le Jossec – Independent director and Chairman to the Committee
  • Alena Fargere – Independent Director
  • Christopher Sorensen – Director

Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee

The duties of the Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee are the following:

  • examining the strategy, ambitions, policies and commitments in the area of social and environmental responsibility, including the environment and sustainable development, ethics and compliance, human rights, hygiene, health and safety of individuals and formulating recommendations in this regard ;
  • monitoring the Group’s actions in the area of social and environmental responsibility and their implementation ;
  • examining the environmental and social risks in conjunction with the Audit Committee, and the impact of environmental and social issues on investment, performance and image; and
  • conducting an annual review of a summary of the non-financial ratings executed by the Group.

The Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee consists of :

  • Alena Fargere – Independent director and Chairwoman to the Committee
  • Maria Pardo Saleme – Director