Published the 10/10/2024

SYDEV (Le Syndicat Départemental d’Énergie de la Vendée) is responsible for promoting a local energy mix that supports clean energies and aims to decarbonise transport in the region. A crucial element of this strategy is the promotion of green hydrogen as a solution to the energy transition in the Vendée.

In partnership with Lhyfe and Vendée Énergie, SYDEV has turned this vision into reality by deploying three hydrogen refuelling stations, located in La Roche-sur-Yon and Les Sables-d’Olonne. These stations are fuelled by green hydrogen produced locally in Bouin, at the Lhyfe site, which powers a growing fleet including two hydrogen-powered buses, waste collection trucks, a road sweeper and light vehicles, illustrating the Vendée’s leading role in sustainable mobility.

This progress raises some key questions: Is hydrogen a reality or just a project? Why choose green hydrogen? What advice should be given to those wishing to implement it?

François Challet, Hydrogen Project Manager at SYDEV, answers these and many other questions.


Can you please introduce yourself in one sentence?

My name is François Challet and I’m in charge of the hydrogen project at the Syndicat Départemental d’Energie de la Vendée (SYDEV).


Is hydrogen in the mobility sector a reality or a project?

It’s a reality in the Vendée, because we currently operate three hydrogen distribution stations in the department, using hydrogen supplied by Lhyfe, which already powers all types of vehicle.

So it’s already a reality.

Vendée: the emergence of a renewable hydrogen sector in the region


Why did you choose green hydrogen rather than grey hydrogen?

It was obvious in the sense that we’re very convinced of the benefits of hydrogen for mobility, but that there are only real benefits if the hydrogen is green and renewable.


If you had to choose one word to describe your collaboration with Lhyfe…

I would say ‘co-construction’. Lhyfe was designated as the producer of this ecosystem, SYDEV set up the stations and we laid the foundations of this ecosystem together. We developed this ecosystem. We learned a lot together.


Any advice for a company wanting to decarbonise its activities with green hydrogen?

The advice would be to adopt an ecosystem approach, i.e. to identify local companies and partners who will be hydrogen users, distributors and producers.

To put this local dynamic in place, and also to identify the primary resource, ultimately renewable electricity, to produce this renewable hydrogen.